kyma•tweaky . How . create algorithmic compositions

Question (or Task)

Does anybody have any links/information regarding algorithmic composition... generative music.. or otherwise self-replicating patterns in music.. specifically, of course, using Kyma? any sound examples? i am interested in randomly created sound and compositions, but also compositions based upon scientific phenonema.

-- TaylorDeupree? - 21 Nov 2003


You might find the logisticmap.pci Tool to be of interest. You can find it in the Xtra Tools folder inside the Kyma folder.

-- CarlaScaletti - 21 Nov 2003

Question: How can I create algorithmic compositions using Kyma?
Keywords: algorithmic composition, generative music, self-replicating patterns, randomly created sound, compositions based upon scientific phenonema

----- Revision r1.1 - 21 Nov 2003 - 16:25 GMT - CarlaScaletti
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